Worship LIVE! | Sundays @9:30 a.m.

Spiritual Formation

Tending The Soul / Sowing To The Spirit

Though spiritual Formation is God’s work and God’s work alone, we must cooperate. One way is through spiritual  practices that train us to intentionally and routinely open space for God’s grace to work within us.


Centering Prayer in Community
Mondays from 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. via Zoom.
We begin with prayer and sacred reading, followed by 20 minutes of silence, focusing on God’s presence and consenting to His presence and action in our lives. We close our time of silence with the Lord's prayer, and end our time together with the reading of a Psalm. We have an optional time for reflection and sharing for those who would like to participate after our closing prayer.

Contact  Mary Taylor. Everyone is welcome.  Join us as you are able.

Wesleyan Contemplative Order (WCO)
Over the centuries, Christian followers have banded together to form communities that reflect a profound commitment to a spiritual path and to nurture each other together in their spiritual journeys. The WCO is a community of small bands made up of clergy and lay, diverse in denomination, to support each other in contemplative living in today’s busy world.  Click here to learn more.

The Adult Faith Formation Ministry of Davidson United Methodist Church allows churches to rent its canvas labyrinth. Click here for a copy of the rental agreement.



Questions Jesus Asked Sermon Series Discussion

We invite you to join Rev. David Hockett for a follow-up discussion of the churchwide book study, Questions Jesus Asked by Magrey deVega. Join us on Wednesdays, January 29 - February 26, at 5:45 p.m., upstairs in the multipurpose youth room of the Seymour Building.. Wednesday night dinner begins at 5:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall; no reservation is required for the discussion. If this time is not convenient for you, there are other small groups, including an online group, participating in the book study. Contact Gail Spach at   for more information.

Purchase book here