"The United Methodist Church does not have a central headquarters or a single executive leader. Duties are divided among bodies that include the General Conference, the Council of Bishops and the Judicial Council. Each of these entities is required by our Constitution, a foundational document, to be part of our structure, and plays a significant role in the life of the church." Learn more
Admin Council Position Descriptions
DUMC Leadership Committee Consideration Request
An UPDATE from LAY LEADER Nancy Tarte
I am now in my fourth of four years as Lay Leader of DUMC. As such I have been involved in a variety of church committees working to imagine the church of the future. Our congregation (lay people) are charged to follow Jesus, make disciples and transform the world. My job is to inspire, guide, motivate and lead all of us towards achieving these goals. I am excited about the possibilities within our community, especially with the opening of the new building and renovation of the fellowship hall. I believe we will continue to be a vital part of the Lake Norman community in new and different ways.
I have been an active member of DUMC for 32 years along with my husband Jeff and our three adult children. I have served in numerous capacities over the years. DUMC has provided a foundation not only for my faith but for my friendships and involvement in the Lake Norman community. Davidson is also where I have spent my career as a pediatrician.
Now more than ever we are called to live out Jesus’ commandment to us. “Love one another. As I have loved you, so must you love one another. By this everyone will know you are my disciples.” (John 13:34-35)
I believe that through grace-filled dialogue, discernment, prayer and love, we can and will find our way as disciples of Jesus, making DUMC a warm and loving place where we can worship, learn and serve God and all God’s people. Each one of you is important to the future of DUMC. I invite you to share with me your love and commitment as well as your questions or concerns by contacting me at
“So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith.” (Galatians 6:10)
Davidson United Methodist Church follows the basic organizational plan for local churches as set forth in The Book of Discipline. This plan “shall include provision for a Charge Conference and the church (Administrative) Council” which “shall be amenable to and function as the administrative agency of the Charge Conference.” Below is information about the chair and co-chair of the Administrative Council as well as other committees that function at DUMC.
Eric Franzen, Administrative Council Chair
I have been involved with the Administrative Council the past few years as Vice Chair and as an at-large Council member. Having both been raised in the Methodist church, my wife Charlotte and I have been at DUMC since 2014. Both of our children are active in DUMC's music ministry which we have supported since joining. As an active Rotarian, I value community service and outreach and hope to bolster DUMC's mission of service to the community. I look forward to exploring new ideas in this area as well as opportunities in Digital Ministry.
Michael Ditto - Administrative Council Vice Chair
My wife Judy and I joined DUMC in 1995, and the church has been a central part of our lives ever since. Our two children grew up in the church and were baptized and confirmed at DUMC. The most impactful of my experiences has been my involvement in small groups, both as a student and a facilitator, where I have studied with fellow believers, developing life-long friendships as we grew together in faith and knowledge. As Administrative Council Vice Chair, I look forward to bringing my experiences and abilities, and my love of DUMC to the Council, and to work with other leaders to shape the path and direction of our church.
Bobby Cashion - Chair of Finance Committee
I grew up at a Methodist church in Cornelius and my family and I have been members of DUMC since 1997. I believe strong churches and thriving congregations help build durable communities. I am the Managing Director with Davidson Capital Advisors working with small and medium-sized businesses. The Finance Committee is charged with overseeing the budget and financial operations of the church for the purpose of fulfilling the DUMC’s mission of being the body of Christ in our community through worship, education, fellowship, and service.
Eric Dana - Chair of Board of Trustees
I am serving my second year on the Board of Trustees, and in 2024 becoming the Chair. This committee has the supervision, oversight, and care of DUMC’s property and equipment to assure the church has the adequate facilities to be the body of Christ in our community. I was raised Presbyterian, but have been Methodist and part of the DUMC family for over 20 years, including serving as an usher. My wife Heather and I have 4 grown children who all reside locally in the Charlotte area. From a professional career perspective, I am the Chief Financial Officer of a company in the energy management industry, which has transferable skills to help me better serve DUMC and the community.
Sharan Carlisle - Nominations and Leadership Development Vice Chair
Working with the Senior Pastor, who serves as Chair of the Nominations and Leadership Development committee, I will be serving as Vice Chair. God gives gifts, skills and talents to every individual within the body of Christ for ministry. This committee helps members identify their places of ministry as well as takes the lead to create a culture of leader development in the congregation. My husband George and I reside in Huntersville and have been part of DUMC through worship, small groups and mission outreach since 1997.
Barb Higgins - Staff Parish Relations Chair
My husband, Jack, and I moved to North Carolina in 2013 and became members of DUMC shortly thereafter. I served as a Stephen Minister for several years and currently am part of the Davidson Cares Ministry Team. I currently chair the Staff-Parish Relations Committee.
According to the Book of Discipline, the Staff-Parish Relations Committee “builds a strong positive relationship between staff and congregation so that the congregation makes disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This committee will work with the lead pastor and other staff to fulfill legal and ethical responsibilities related to staff.” We are blessed to have a dedicated and caring staff at DUMC and we continue to support and walk along side of them.