The congregation of Davidson United Methodist Church welcomes you to Davidson! We’re so excited that you’re here, and we hope to meet you soon. We are located a short walk from campus on Main Street, across from Town Hall. We have a vibrant campus ministry and a congregation ready to welcome you to our church family.
We invite you to worship with us on Sunday mornings, and we hope that you will get involved with our Davidson Wesley ministry on campus (see below). We encourage you to get involved in the life of our church by teaching Sunday School, serving as a leader in our youth ministry, singing in one of our choirs, serving communion, reading scripture in church, or offering your gifts in any number of ways. Please contact Charlotte Thomas, our Director of Involvement, to get plugged in at Davidson UMC. Contact Cindy Turner, College Campus Liaison, to learn more about Davidson Wesley Ministry.
Join us for fellowship, snacks, worship, and discussion on Monday nights from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the Spencer-Weinstein Center.
8.28 // Donuts and Coffee for First Week of Classes
9.2 // First Wesley Meeting of Fall 2024
9.9 // Duke Divinity School Visit
9.15 // Welcome Event at Davidson UMC
9.16 // Fellowship Night
9.30 // Service Night
10.6 - 10.12 // Mission Week at Davidson UMC
10.14 // Fellowship Night
10.28 // Service Night
11.8 - 11.10 // Retreat
11.18 // Thanksgiving Dinner
12.2 // Angel Tree Shopping
12.9 // Christmas Party