May 15, 2022
January 2021 Update
Click on link to see the most recent new building renderings
September 2020 Update
Davidson United Methodist Church Building Committee Progress Update
During the February 2020 DUMC Administrative Council meeting, our DUMC Building Committee presented a proposed building plan. This plan is considerably smaller in scope and need based. Our design meets current music and youth ministries needs while ensuring a multi-use open floorplan design. Small group and Mission meetings, fellowship, education and community outreach are DUMC's ministry opportunities our new space will support. Our new two-level building will be located between the existing Fellowship Hall and Alexander Education Building (AEB). It will replace our current single-story music wing, restrooms, kitchen, and unused courtyard space.
Our new first floor (Sanctuary level) is primarily music and hospitality focused. Through efficient space usage and flow, our design provides these set requirements.
• Music Ministry Wing:
- Open concept choir rehearsal room (acoustically enhanced)
- Handbell rehearsal space/room (adjoining handbell storage)
- Sheet music library (Sheet music consolidation)
- Instrument storage
- Robe, cotta, cincture and stole storage
• Hospitality Ministry:
- Commercial grade kitchen (adjoining pantry and storage)
• Common Spaces:
- An elevator to access our new second floor
- Increased capacity restroom facilities
- Private family restroom (Code Requirement)
Our new second floor (Adjoining the AEB top floor) is primarily DUMC Youth Ministry focused. Being a versatile, multi-use floor-plan design, this new space provides these requirements.
• Expansive open meeting hall room:
- Partitioned capable design, providing private meeting room sections
• Warming Kitchenette with serving counter:
- Youth activities and small group meal support
• Casual seating and meeting areas:
- Small fellowship gatherings
• Common Spaces:
- Access to our existing AEB through connected hallway
- Elevator and stairwell to first floor main Gathering Space
- Restroom, custodial, and storage spaces
Your DUMC Building committee is pleased to share this brief update of our progress. We are thankful for our Administrative Council’s confidence and direction. We plan to present our General Contractor driven projections during the coming November Administrative Council Meeting. We thank everyone for your continued prayerful support as we progress forward with our charge.
August 2019 Update
February 2019 Update
Thanks to the vision and faithfulness of our congregation, DUMC has $3.3M in our Building Fund and another $1.2M in pledges outstanding. In addition, construction has already begun on the columbarium.
On Sunday, February 3, 2019, the Administrative Council voted to move forward with the build portion of the Stepping Out in Faith capital campaign by re-engaging the congregation, staff, and small groups to re-assess the spatial needs and ministry priorities of the church. In parallel, we will continue to track key measures of financial wellness (weekly giving and pledges) and congregational engagement (through attendance in services, small groups, choir, youth, etc.) that will help to frame the budget for the build. No later than the first Quarter of 2020, an updated building vision and budget will be presented that reflects the priorities and needs of our church.
While we are very excited about the future of our church, we have experienced many changes since the planning stages of the capital campaign in 2015. Through multiple transitions in leadership, we have seen declines in church attendance, weekly giving, and pledges; while other parts of our ministries (ex. youth, choir, etc.) continue to thrive. DUMC’s Leadership Team remains strongly supportive of our need to invest in the church facilities necessary to foster and grow our ongoing ministries. This includes maintaining the Stepping Out in Faith focus on spaces for our youth, music programs, and multi-purpose activities. However, upward trends in construction costs and reductions in financial giving are material enough for us to re-evaluate the original plans and budget for the build portion of the capital campaign.
We invite you to be a part of this effort by providing your feedback. Along with upcoming sharing sessions that will be scheduled to answer questions and gather feedback, you can also send your questions or comments to .
Updates on progress throughout the year will be available via the church bulletin, emails, and posted on this page of the website.
In Christian love,
Administrative Council Chair: Dave Wansley
Administrative Council Vice-Chair: Pat Johnson
Capital Campaign Chairs: Lisa Livingston & Ron Turner
Building Committee Chair: Suzanne Carter
Senior Pastor: Shane Page
Director of Finance & Operations: Patti Waldeisen