In the United Methodist Church, baptism is a sacrament, during which God uses common elements - in this case, water - as a means of divine grace. Baptism of infants includes the reaffirmation of the vows of the baptismal covenant by parents, sponsors, and the congregation; but chiefly it celebrates what God is doing and will do in the life of the infant. We baptize people of all ages and can do so during Sunday morning worship services.
Contact Charlotte Thomas to schedule a baptism.
The staff and congregation rejoice with you in your decision to join together in Christian marriage in our church. We ask you to remember that a Christian wedding is, first and foremost, a service of worship. We stand ready to help make this occasion beautiful and memorable.
The Sanctuary, Chapel, and Fellowship Hall are available for use by members of DUMC and their immediate family.
Contact Melissa McLeod (704-892-8277) to learn more about our wedding policy.
Our clergy, in consultation with the funeral home of your choice, are honored to guide you through the funeral/memorial service process following a death. We plan music, Scripture readings, and prayers to bind our hearts to God and to give the church family an opportunity to provide love and comfort.
Contact any of our ministers by calling the church at 704-892-8277 (if after hours, an alternate number will be provided).