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The First Sunday of Advent 2023

This week we observe the final Sunday in the Christian year, a day we know as Christ the King Sunday.  Here just before we enter the season of Advent, the Church proclaims that even though our world is in turmoil, even though the ones we love grow old and die, even though illness touches the lives of our family and friends, even though economies falter and wars rage, even though those whom we love the most sometimes disappoint us – Christ is King, Christ is Lord of life.  And the good news, not only on this final Sunday of the Christian year but every day of the year is, because Christ is King, we can lift our voices in hope and sing with the saints before us…God is our refuge and strength,
a very present, help in trouble.

Speaker: Rev. Jim Humphries

December 3, 2023

Rev. Jim Humphries

Pastor of Congregational Care

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