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DUMC Sermon Video | November 10, 2024

Speaker: Rev. David Hockett

November 10, 2024

Rev. David Hockett

Senior Pastor

Sermon Notes

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Sermon Notes: All In: A Life of Faithful Giving and True Discipleship

  1. The Widow’s Offering: A Model of Faithful Generosity

  • Scripture Reference: Mark 12:41-44

  • Key Insight: Jesus highlights the widow who, despite her poverty, gives everything she has—two small coins—as an act of worship and trust in God.

  • Takeaway: The size of our gift matters less than the heart behind it. True discipleship means giving out of love, not for recognition or reward.

  1. Discipleship as a Wholehearted Commitment

  • Challenge of Faith: Are we "all in" for God, like the widow, or is our faith just one commitment among many?

  • Reflection Question: Is my life centered on Christ, or divided by competing commitments and securities?

  1. Stewardship Beyond Finances

  • Broad View of Stewardship: It’s not just about money. Stewardship includes how we use our time, presence, and resources to reflect God’s love and mercy.

  • Application: Consider how all aspects of life can express faithfulness to God’s mission.

  1. Living in a "Purple" Church

  • Unity in Diversity: In a diverse congregation, we are called to humility, understanding, and shared purpose.

  • Our Mission Stands Firm: Regardless of external influences, our mission is clear: to embody Christ’s love, mercy, and justice.

  1. Our Baptismal Vows

  • Reaffirming Commitments: As baptized Christians, we have committed to resisting evil, embracing justice, and walking humbly with God.

  • Living These Vows: Following Christ’s example means caring for the vulnerable, sharing generously, and loving our neighbors.

  1. The Path of Abundant Life

  • Abundant Life in Christ: Our stewardship theme this year, “Abundant Life,” invites us to trust God fully and live free from worry, knowing that God provides.

  • Going "All In": Like the widow, may we give our whole hearts and lives to God, embracing true discipleship and trusting in His goodness.

Reflection for the Week:
How can I embody the widow’s faith and trust in my own life? In what ways am I called to “go all in” for God?

Take Home Thought:
Our mission remains constant, regardless of the changing world: to be the hands and feet of Christ, seeking justice, showing mercy, and walking humbly with God.

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