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Beloved: Living into Our True Identity | January 12, 2025

Speaker: Rev. David Hockett

January 12, 2025

Rev. David Hockett

Senior Pastor

Sermon Notes

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Take-Home Notes: "Beloved: Living into Our True Identity"

  1. Our Core Identity

    • At the heart of who we are lies a simple truth: We are God’s beloved.

    • This identity is not based on what we do, what we have, or how others define us. It’s given by God through grace.

  2. Baptism as a Reminder

    • Baptism symbolizes being "dipped into" God’s love and truth, washing away all false identities.

    • Just as Jesus was named God’s beloved at His baptism, we too are claimed as God’s own children.

  3. The Power of Belonging

    • Knowing we are God’s beloved gives us freedom—not to prove our worth but to live in love, grace, and purpose.

    • This truth shapes how we see ourselves, treat others, and live out our faith.

  4. The Call to Live the Truth

    • Each day, we are called to say no to false stories and yes to God’s story about who we are.

    • Living as God’s beloved means reflecting His love in our words and actions, especially toward those who feel unseen or unloved.

  5. A Vision for the Church

    • DUMC’s mission is to live and share this truth: You are God’s beloved.

    • Imagine the impact if we carried this message into our homes, communities, and world in 2025.

Reflection Questions:

  • How do you currently define yourself?

  • What would it look like to embrace your identity as God’s beloved?

  • How can you share this truth with someone this week?

Key Scripture:
"This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased." – Matthew 3:17

Challenge for the Week:
Find a quiet moment each day to remind yourself: I am God’s beloved. Let that truth guide how you live, love, and interact with others.

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