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Make A Pledge

Estimate of Giving for 2025 General Fund

We thank you for your generous practice of stewardship. Your pledges and contributions are a critical part of how Davidson United Methodist Church provides ministry to fulfill our mission and to transform the world.

Submit your estimate of giving for the 2025 general budget below. All submissions will be confidential and only shared with the Business Office. You may change your commitment at any time by notifying Erin Garrett, Director of Finance, through the Church Office.



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What is a pledge? 
A pledge, or estimate of giving, is a prayerful, documented commitment to financially support the ministry, mission, and well-being of Davidson UMC. 

Can I just write a check, put money in the offering plate, or give online? 
Davidson UMC is grateful for all financial contributions.  Pledges provide our Finance Team with a more accurate picture of our projected financial resources that is essential to preparing our annual budget. Davidson UMC cannot operate effectively without a reasonable estimate of its financial resources. In addition, your pledge is a spiritual discipline reinforcing the importance of God and Davidson UMC in your life.

How much should I pledge? 
The amount, of course, is a personal and prayerful decision, but it should be grounded in your faith and commitment to the church’s ongoing work of building God’s kingdom. Scripture lifts up the tithe (ten percent of one’s income) as the aspirational giving level. We urge everyone to aspire to that goal, while we understand that reaching such a goal is a process. Regardless of the size, we hope you will make Davidson UMC your primary philanthropic priority. Your pledge should not be an afterthought or a casual decision. 

Is my pledge confidential? 
Yes. Only the Finance Department knows individual pledge amounts. 

When should I pledge? 
Our stewardship campaign kicks off on October 20th and will conclude with Thank You Sunday on November 17th, when we bless all the pledges we have received for 2025. New pledges are also welcomed and appreciated after November 17th and throughout the year. 

What if my situation changes and I cannot fulfill my pledge?
We understand that life’s circumstances can unexpectedly change.  Please alert the Finance Director if you need to adjust your pledge at any time so that we can update our records, and the clergy can respond with pastoral care if needed. 

How can I pay my pledge?
There are several convenient ways to honor your pledge:
-) Make a payment by check or cash via the offering plate or mail.
-) Use your bank’s online bill payment system to establish regular monthly or other periodic payments directly to the church.
-) Make a payment using our online giving platform (Abundant) where you can opt to pay by ACH, debit or credit.
-) Use appreciated stocks, charitable donor-advised funds or IRA distributions to pay your pledge.  

What else should I consider as I determine my pledge? 
Prayer - We are members of Davidson UMC because of our love and commitment to Christ, so don’t forget to ask for God’s help to guide you.
Your life's blessings - Your pledge is a response of gratitude and joy for all you have been given.  
Davidson UMC’s impact on your life - Is it worship, our service to others in the community and the world, our life-long Christian education/formation, the music, or the fellowship and fun? All of these are made possible by our financial support of Davidson UMC.
Davidson UMC is not just another charity - We all give to worthy causes, but the church is more than a non-profit. We are the body of Christ. Your pledge is an affirmation of your faith and commitment to ensure the vitality of Davidson UMC, as we have done since 1906.  

Who do I contact with questions? 
You may email or call our Financial Director, Erin Garrett, at or (704) 892-8277.